Levinscompanion-com mobile screenshot Levinscompanion-com mobile screenshot

Is Levinscompanion-com a scam or legit?
levinscompanion.com – Adorable Pups for sale

Levinscompanion-com information
Levinscompanion-com screenshot Levinscompanion-com screenshot

Levinscompanion.com was registered with HOSTINGER operations, UAB on Monday 27th January 2025.
This scam report was created on Saturday 15th February 2025 which is 19 days after the domain was registered.

Levinscompanion-com breeder Levinscompanion-com Full screenshot Levinscompanion-com Full screenshot

The domain is hosted on the following servers:
ns1.dns-parking.com, ns2.dns-parking.com.

Levinscompanion-com  contact information

The email and name used to register the domain were:
Not Recorded
Not recorded

Scammers always use a free email address or hide their email address behind a privacy option.
This is to keep their anonymity.

The registrant address is
Not recorded, Not recorded, Not recorded. However this is only where the domain was registered.
The scammer is not located here.
They are likely to be located in West Africa or India.

Levinscompanion.com uses the email havanesehome111@gmail.com logo1@2x-free-img-1.png
and and phone number

Levinscompanion.com is running a puppy scam.
Claiming to sell puppy by using photos they have stolen from the internet.

The scammer will ask you to pay for the puppy without allowing you to see the puppy in person.
They will not allow a video call as they do not have the puppy in their possession.

Once you have paid the scammer they will use another fake website to ship the puppy to you.
This new website will invent multiple new charges for you to pay.

If you are dealing with Levinscompanion.com it is best to stop immediately, report to the BBB, the FTC and your local police.
On the next page you can find a link to add any other information to this report.

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